Monday, April 5, 2010

Tweedle D's Top Ten List #2: Lamest Tattoos

*Definition: Lame (noun) Meaning pointless
or poorly-drawn; laughable

Alright, this is not the worst of tattoos, it has a message of sorts, however inane. But on your shins? Really? And it should be "it's," as in, "It is time to party." Ridiculous.

This is drawn rather nicely, but it's completely pointless. Is it inked in memory of your favorite arm chair, pal? Your dream arm chair? What is going on?!

Again, not a terrible ink job, but why would you EVER, EVER get this done?

This is just sad. So very, very sad. It looks like a middle schooler drew it in sharpie marker.

The coloring is nice, but I wonder if it's healthy to love Tetris quite this much.

LEARN TO SPELL! Or are we supposed to linger on the "mmmm," sound in summer, as if we savored it. And nothing captures the sweetness of summer like a lopsided anchor.

So awsome, man. Who needs that 'E'? I'm awsome without it.

Horrible. Why is the 8 practically hidden? And those wings, they wouldn't carry Tweety bird. Sickening.

This just confuses me. "Hey, man, what's that?" "It's a chair!" "...Yeah. Yeah, it is."
The ugliest tattoo I have ever seen. Everything is wrong with it. It hurts my soul.

1 comment:

  1. I understand the appeal of tattoos. I really do. I'm all for free expression, for using your body as a canvas to display the inner you. I am afraid the these individuals inner persons--really, I am very concerned. Let's begin with "I'M AWSOME" First of all, could there be a LESS appropriate font for that message? Really? What are you, a 12th century Gospel of Mark? Did you get an inebriated Augustinian brother to carve that into your back with a quill? If so you should be very disappointed because his illumination work is shoddy at best. I ignored the spelling error on purpose, thinking about it makes me have a headache of such magnitude that my teeth hurt. Ouch.

    The scissors. It appears that there is some dish soap behind her. All I have to say is that for her believe that that was a cool idea, or even ironic in some convoluted way, she would have had to drink or sniff or something that entire bottle. The entire bottle.

    I'm done. If I forced myself to continue I might just blackout. Evan out.
