Wednesday, April 14, 2010

20 Unsexiest Beautiful People

Ok, this is pushing the shallowness barrier even for us, but the article's description of Orlando Bloom definitely requires a post:

11) Orlando Bloom
If Orlando Bloom had left acting after Lord of the Rings, he wouldn't be on this list. But few could have predicted the bomb that would soon drop on poor, simple Orlando. Here's a tip: when signing on as a romantic lead, make sure that your co-star doesn't out-sexy you while playing an STD-riddled criminal. Pirates of the Caribbean found Bloom totally overshadowed by Johnny Depp's allure, and he didn't help his own case by playing Will Turner as the most milquetoast pirate in history. Once he appeared in the unwatchable (and boring)Elizabethtown and the unwatchable (and offensively stupid) Troy, whatever spark he'd had in Middle-Earth had gone the way of elfenkind

Full Article:

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