Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Christening


Now that we have your attention...hello and welcome! This is E&E's Cornucopia of Higgledy-Piggledly, where anything and everything is considered fodder for open criticism or unwarranted praise. Stop by and pick out whatever juicy morsel catches your eye, be it a hilariously out-of-context quote from a variety of television programs, an amusing or inspiring photograph, a ripe, random news story, a Youtube link, a musical analysis, or whatever else we have found incredibly entertaining for that day. Let's begin by introducing ourselves:

Tweedle Dee:
Hi! I'm the female representative of our toothsome twosome! My assorted hobbies include squeezing animals, feeding fish, snickering to myself, shouting, and opening and closing cupboards. My favorite person is my taller brother Tweedle Deelier, who shares my morbid fascination with unrelated, useless trivia.

Tweedle Deelier:
Welcome to the ever-flowing fountain of unimportant, unrelated, unnecessary and altogether fantastic facts and most-likely-not-so-many figures. As was mentioned by my esteemed collaborator-in-randomness, Tweedle Dee, we are siblings who travel through space on the same mental wavelength. Whilst Tweedle Dee's "assorted hobbies" are quaint and a little crazy, mine have reached a level of maturity and development a galaxy or dozen away from my lovely sister's. I find solace in cooking delicious things, dancing awkwardly in inappropriate public forums, observing to the point of scrutiny, and getting my feet warm (an impossible task as of yet, but I refuse to give up). So, World, we fling wide the doors of oddity and disconnected thought and invite you to join us on this journey through life's most unexpected back-alleys.

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