Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tweedle D's Top Ten List #4: Oddest Movie Couples

10. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman ("Eyes Wide Shut")

I know these two were actually a real couple, but in looking at Tom now and Nicole now, it's really hard for me to believe they were ever together, even in a movie. Nicole is just so elegant and almost creepily ethereal, while Tom is just, um, insane. Weird movie, too, I've heard.

9. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy ("Before Sunset")

This is strange to me solely for the reason that Ethan was married to Uma Thurman seven years and Delpy is French. I don't know why. It struck me as weird. Feel free to disagree aggressively.

8. Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones ("The Terminal")

He's the every man. She's the world's mos exotic-looking Welsh. Pair them up in a movie where Tom has an accent from a nonexistent Eastern European country and you've got a movie set in an airport. Rock it out.

7. Cate Blanchett and Matt Damon ("The Talented Mr. Ripley")

Ok, Cate is one my favorite actresses. She is the epitome of the word "regal," she played Queen Elizabeth I twice for cryin' out loud. Damon? Damon runs around and shoots people.

6. Amanda Peet and Jack Nicholson ("Something's Gotta Give")

She's young. He's old. She's been in an Ashton Kutcher movie. He was in "The Shining." She always has her hair back. He never takes off his sunglasses. *SPOILER!!!!!* I think the casting directors chose to put these two polar opposites together so in the movie it would be believable for Jack to end up with Diane Keaton.

5. Ricky Gervais and Tea Leoni ("Ghost Town")

Ricky linked with anyone romantically is just weird.

4. Ellen Degeneres and Sharon Stone ("If These Walls Could Talk 2")

Ah yes, a lesbian movie. I like Ellen Degeneres, so I don't like the idea of her being paired up with that harpy Sharon. After doing"Basic Instinct" and "Basic Instinct 2," Sharon just needs to disappear for a while whilst I wash my brain.

3. Dan Aykroyd and Rosie O'Donnell ("Exit to Eden")

The two least sexually-attractive actors in a movie together. Save us.

2. Kate Winslet and Jack Black ("The Holiday")

This would NEVER, EVER happen in real life. Kate is quite possibly the most beautiful woman on earth and Jack Black is JACK BLACK. COME ON!

1. Selma Hayek and Adam Sandler ("Grown-Ups")

This movie hasn't even come out, but I took one look at the trailer, and nearly fainted. I refuse to watch a movie in which the directors try to convince us that in any universe spicy Selma would marry Adam, a man who has built his career on talking like a stupid teddy bear.

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